Our Partner Camps
Northern California affiliates of the Gan Israel International Network

Gan Israel is the largest Jewish day camp network in the world, with hundreds of thousands of children in attendance every year.

Our partner camps are located in every major community of Northern California from Sacramento, to S. Francisco to S. Jose.

What Parents are saying

Thank you so much for your incentives program. My daughter loved the camp that you referred us to. It was so much fun. She connected to Judaism in a very accepting environment, found an amazing Jewish community, and made a bunch of friends in the process. She can't wait to go back next summer!
Linda Monat

My son loved everything about the camp - the counselors, the trips, all the activities! Now he knows so much more about his Jewish heritage. Couldn’t be happier with our camp choice. Thank you for your generous gift
Jenny Katz

Photo Gallery
A peak at the awesome activities at our partner camps